
Washing services for Rico Auto Industries
Rico Auto Industries, India, is an engineering company that supplies a wide range of high-precision machined aluminium and cast components and assemblies to automotive manufacturers around the world.
We have been able to count Rico among our customers since October 2014. After cleaning, the components are repacked into customised containers and delivered to the recipients in the automotive industry.
Our services:
- Analysis of the requirements
- Conception of the important processes
- Development of the detailed processes
- Concrete, complete implementation including validation
- Permanent quality management and process optimisation for the future
- Washing the components

The individual components are washed by regularly trained employees in accordance with the given specifications. Permanent controls ensure quality throughout the entire washing process. Currently, up to 3500 parts are washed per day.
Repacking in customised containers
We also work exactly to specification when repacking the aluminium automotive components into specified containers.
Regular employee training also ensures a smooth process here.

Daily checking of customer call-offs
Our customer call-offs are checked and monitored daily via the Internet to ensure a continuous supply of goods.
Round-the-clock service
We guarantee a 24-hour hotline and work according to a defined emergency plan, short response times, rapid support and fault rectification.
Our focus is on the highest quality. We achieve this through certified work processes, motivated and trained employees and permanent quality controls. For a strong and satisfying partnership.

packing solutions for Mondi
We have been working for Mondi since February 2015 and are responsible for the assembly and storage of various overseas transport boxes made of corrugated cardboard.

Our services:
- Analysing and designing the necessary process chains
- Development of an optimal and satisfactory solution for the customer
- Proper assembly according to the available specifications
- Storage of the blanks under optimum conditions (permanent monitoring of temperature and humidity, no exposure to light)
- IT-supported goods call-off
- Removal from storage in a covered loading zone
- Transport carried out in accordance with customer call-offs
- Fast response time to short-term increases in demand
- Permanent quality control

central warehouse for the Goethe-Institut
We have been the central warehouse for the Goethe-Institut since March 2013.
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany and operates worldwide. It promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and fosters international cultural cooperation. To this end, the Goethe-Institut develops teaching materials, organises language courses, trains teachers and participates in academic research and language policy initiatives.

Our services:
- Storage and booking of incoming goods
- Storage under optimum conditions (permanent monitoring of temperatures and humidity, no incidence of light)
- Online recording of orders by the customer in our warehouse programme
- Scanner-supported picking of the desired items according to the recorded orders
- Transport-safe packaging and labelling
- Removal from storage in a covered loading zone
- Worldwide dispatch of goods
- Tracking and tracing possible
- Permanent inventory of stored items

Use Case MyMuesli
Individual Display construction
As part of our collaboration with our customer mymuesli, we take on the construction of displays according to customer-specific requirements.
Our services:
- Storage and booking of incoming goods
- Storage in our IFS-certified warehouse
- Online recording of orders by the customer
- Scanner-supported picking of the desired items
- Construction of customised gift boxes
- Batch traceability
- MHD control
- Transport-safe packaging and labelling
- Worldwide dispatch of goods
- Tracking and tracing
- Permanent inventory